4 comments on “The Boys

  1. So true! We do the nightly ritual at 10pm and I have to stand outside with Ranger. I can see where you’re not a dog person HAHAHAHA, NOT! We all love our fur babies.


  2. I always thought I was a “dog” person… untill later in life I discovered I’m far more generic… I’m just an “animal” person… I have never found a horse I didn’t want give a bite of my apple to, a cat that I didn’t enjoy scratching on the cheeks and feeling them purr…even a cow… they appreciate a handful of grain and a scratch between the ears… I’m also firmly convinced that seeing a few deer or moose up close is a gift, a genuinely “spiritual event”….I’ve read where people critisize those of us that “humanize” the animals in our lives… but I can’t help but think… if the roles were reversed… I sure would appreciate a little love and kindness too….


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