15 comments on “Beautiful Distractions

  1. Love all your hummingbirds. The bluebirds will arrive- took two years of feeding the birds for them to arrive in my yard. Bonus they never left to migrate, have stayed all summer😊

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    • The bluebirds have been back beyond the fence but I fear I don’t have enough open space near the house to attract them to come any closer but I will keep trying! We were out at a friend’s house in Lead a few days ago and there must have been about 25 bluebirds on a fence out in their pasture.


  2. Ahh, my favorites! Something about their tiny dangling feet that really gets to me.

    I look forward to seeing Bluebirds though. Not sure we have them in the Northwest. Just Blue Jays, and they can be so mean to all my other favorites. Uh oh…is that prejudice rearing its ugly head??

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    • We have our fair share of Blue Jays but they don’t seem to be as aggressive here as they were in Virginia. I always feel sorry for them….they really are pretty birds but I think their size makes us prejudiced against them. If they were tiny we would love them….but then perhaps they would be a bit nicer also!

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